This page viewed--"); /////////////////////////////// //Abax Hit Counter configuration// $datafile="../hitcounter/abaxdata-scrsvr.dat"; //filename for counter datafile $counterstyle = "image"; //enter text for text,image for images, or invisible for none $textcountlength = 6; //length of counter in digits if using text option $font = "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; //font face style if using text counter $fontsize = "2"; //font size if using text counter $fontcolour = "#999999"; //font colour use html colour codes $imagedirectory = "../../start/hitcounter/images/glow/"; //directory or http location to images NOTE: use trailing slash $imagesext = ".gif"; //file extension for images e.g. .gif .jpg .png $initialvalue = 30962; //MAIN CODE// if (!file_exists($datafile)) { $file = fopen($datafile,"w+"); fwrite ($file,$initialvalue); fclose ($file); } else { $file = fopen($datafile,"r+"); $hitcount = fread($file,filesize($datafile)); fclose ($file); }; $hitcount++; $file = fopen($datafile,"w+"); fwrite ($file,$hitcount); if ($counterstyle != "invisible") { if ($counterstyle == "text") { echo "" .sprintf("%0"."$textcountlength"."d",$hitcount).""; } else { $longstr = strlen($hitcount); for ($x=0; $x < $longstr; $x++) { $image = substr($hitcount,$x,1); echo "\"$image\""; } }} echo ("--times so far"); // end of hit counter?>

Hi, this screensaver is free for personal use and contains images from the registry at

Please do not redistribute it but feel free to direct people to the website.

download the screen saver here (Now Ver2 27/8/03 6.5Mb)

You will also need the following Registration details :

Name: triumph stag
Code: FFEE250B000090850000A8C2


The file is a self extracting executable that will install the screensaver

and allow it to set as the default.

Once installed go to:

"Start", "settings", "control panel",

In control panel click on "Display"

with the triumphstag screen saver selected click on "settings"

enter the registration name and code above via the registration page.