Error: You must specify a username!
"; $error = true; } else { $aQuery = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM stagdata_user where UPPER(username)='".strtoupper($username)."'"); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($aQuery)) { echo "Error: Username Already Exists
"; $error = true; } } if (!isset($password) or $password == "" or $password == " ") { echo "Error: You must specify a password!
"; $error = true; } else { if (!isset($repeatPassword) or $repeatPassword == "" or $repeatPassword == " ") { echo "Error: You must repeat the password!
"; $error = true; } else { if ($repeatPassword != $password) { echo "Error: Your passwords do not match!
"; $error = true; } } } if (!isset($email) or $email == "" or $email == " ") { echo "Error: You must specify an email address!
"; $error = true; } else { if (strpos($email, "@") < 1) { echo "Error: Email address does not appear to be valid!
"; $error = true; } else { $aQuery = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM stagdata_user where UPPER(email)='".strtoupper($email)."'"); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($aQuery)) { echo "Error: Email Address Already Registered
"; $error = true; } } } if (!isset($name) or $name == "" or $name == " ") { echo "Error: You must specify a name!
"; $error = true; } if ($vvc != "st8g") { echo "Error: Visual Verification Code Incorrect!
"; $error = true; } } if (isset($_POST["submit"]) and !$error) { $sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO stagdata_user (username, name, email, password) value ('$username','$name','$email', '".md5($password)."')"; //echo $sqlQuery; if (mysql_query($sqlQuery)) { $aQuery = mysql_query ("SELECT id FROM stagdata_user where email='".$email."'"); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($aQuery)) { $confirm_id = $row['id']; } $recipient = $email; $mail_body = "Please click on the following link to confirm your account

".$http_home_url."register_confirm.php?auth=".md5($email)."&id=".$confirm_id.""; $subject = $system_from_subject_prefix." email confirmation, please action...."; $header = "From: ".$system_from_name." <".$system_from_email.">\r\n".'Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"\r\n'; mail($recipient, $subject, $mail_body, $header); echo "Successfully created account, please check your email and confirm your account! Thanks!"; } else { echo "Sorry, there has been a problem creating your account, please contact Glenn or FieldIT"; //Glenn please put what you like here! } } else { ?>
User name
Full Name
Email Address
Visual Verification Code (Please enter the text you see as it appears in the image to the left)
(all lower case)
Repeat Password