Error: You must specify a username!
"; $error = true; } if (!isset($password) or $password == "" or $password == " ") { echo "Error: You must specify a password!
"; $error = true; } if (!$error) { $aQuery = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM stagdata_user where UPPER(username)='".strtoupper($username)."' or UPPER(email)='".strtoupper($username)."'"); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($aQuery)) { if ($row['status'] == 0) { echo "Error: You have not validated your email yet, please check your email!
"; $error = true; } if ($row['status'] == 1) { echo "Error: Your account has not yet been authorised. Please be patient and you will be mailed once it has been authorised.
"; $error = true; } if ($row['status'] == 99) { echo $account_declined_message; $error = true; } if (!$error){ if ($row['password'] == md5($password)) { $_SESSION['stagdata_user_id'] = $row['id'] ; } else { echo "Error: Incorrect Password!
"; $error = true; } } } else { echo "Error: Username not valid!
"; $error = true; } } } session_start(); if ((isset($_POST["submit"]) and !$error) or isset($_SESSION['stagdata_user_id'])) { echo "Successfully logged into account! Click here to view your account."; } else { ?>
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