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Important- If you have a technical or other Stag related query, please post it to the Forum by clicking here do not use this comments section

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Create("triumphstag_db"); $sql1 = new MySQL_class; $sql1->Create("triumphstag_db"); echo ""; $sql->Query("Select name,comment,date from stagdata_site_comments where visible = '1' order by id desc"); for ($i = 0; $i < $sql->rows; $i++) { $sql->Fetch($i); $name=$sql->data[0]; $comment = $sql->data[1]; $date = $sql->data[2]; $date1 = (date ("d F Y ",$date)); if (1==$rowcolour){ $bgcolour="bgcolor='#FFFFFF' bordercolor='#FFFFFF'"; $rowcolour=0; } else { $bgcolour="bgcolor='#f4f4f4' bordercolor='$defaultbgcolour'"; $rowcolour=1; } echo ""; echo " "; } echo "
$name : $date1 : $comment 
"; ?>